
From the hearts of the people and their horses

From Angela & Jeannie, August 2009  

I heard of Isobel and her horse healing through a good friend whom she visits several times a year to heal her mare with great results. I have owned a TB mare ex racer/hunter for over a year now who has issues from her past and this effects her behaviour in ways always termed “marish” yet she is such a sweet girl! I was keen to know what went on her mind, what she had been through and what I could do to help her.

Isobel advised me by email before coming over to NI to meet Jeannie to change her feed to aid her digestion and delicate tummy plus neem granules for her water works and skin irritations and bachs rescue remedy for her nerves (and mine competing haha).
Then at last she came to see us. Such a lovely quiet calm lady who tuned in immediately to Jeannie’s feeling of overwhelming sadness. Jeannie just stood and stared at her as if unburdening her sorrows. Isobel told me Jeannie’s thoughts and feelings which took a long time and was heartbreaking to hear but made me feel I understood her more. I heard of how she was worked hard and never knew her place or had a permanent home with friends. She was always moved on. Jeannie was specific in how many miles in which direction things she remembered and how many days ago something unjust happened to her (farrier kicked her in the tummy for misbehaving as she was sore – her new farrier is great) and the things she didn’t like about her stable and field etc. Isobel described her field and companions she has never seen and the children at the yard who squeal and the other horses, dogs and cats. She talked about me and my husband and his bad back and my delicate tummy like hers. She said twice she wanted to apologise for hurting me which made me quite emotional as Jeannie in her nervous pain in the past had trod on me and squashed me and dumped me in the dirt a few times. She was happy now but couldn’t be happy as needed to feel less pain and be able to move on from her memories.
My husband was there too and couldn’t believe the amount of information about things and people and animals Isobel had never seen and specific references to places and colours of buckets and smells after he disinfected her stable! Then we watched as Isobel worked on Jeannie in a cranial session. She didn’t even touch her for her sides to twitch and shake. She showed us how to massage one area daily which produced a huge reaction. I watched in amazement as energy seemed to flow from where Isobel was touching her dock along her spine up her neck to her poll and then she dropped her head and joints clicked and she had a snooze!

Isobel chatted afterwards on how to progress from this and has been in touch for updates. I can’t wait until she comes over again in Oct and am hoping she may help me with my insomnia and allergies. In the time since we have kept massaging Jeannie and I have learned some new methods. I have noticed a closer bond. The day after Isobel’s visit she came to me at the gate for the first time ever and has since let me sit down beside her as she lay in the field instead up leaping up always on guard. She has hacked out very settled and is going well when ridden and competed. Jeannie a few days after Isobel’s visit did the oddest thing and has done this sometimes since – stretching up on her tiptoes and back and moaning which is a sign of her healing herself.
Jeannie seems more settled and content now she has shared her past. She is less nervous and anxious and trusts us more eg when we got to new places that she is safe with us and we will bring her home again. As she is in less pain physically and not as tense, therefore performing better and being less “marish”. Her shoeing issues have lessened and her new farrier is superb. We have competed in prelim dressage with a highest score of 65% and are back to jumping now. We enjoyed a 4 day BHS camp where Jeannie was so well behaved and a Racehorse to Riding Horse comp recently which she wasn’t placed in but my only hopes were she behaved in company galloping etc and for the judge when riding her - she never put a foot wrong and made us proud for her first showing class.
Healing is a truly moving amazing gift and I feel so lucky to have had the chance to help Jeannie. Isobel has made such a difference and I can’t thank her enough.


Copyright © Isobel Hogton